Working on my art, posted some here and on tumblr. I want to improve.
artist, nintendo fan, space lover
my tumblr:
college student
Joined on 12/20/20
Posted by froggydafroggy - August 22nd, 2023
Working on my art, posted some here and on tumblr. I want to improve.
Posted by froggydafroggy - June 16th, 2022
this was my english final like two weeks ago. just 36 pages of kiddified picturebook holden fucking caulfield. one week to write and illustrate this fucking garbage. i used crappy crayons and a few crayolas from when i was like five because i sure as hell was not going to waste anything for this project. don't worry. it gets worse. so much worse. by the end of the book i was practically drawing stick figures. the hat on the cover is traced btw. somehow i got an a on it. i think my teacher took pity on me.
Posted by froggydafroggy - May 13th, 2022
finished my ap calculus exam on monday. school ends in a few weeks. god i'm just tired. burnt out a bit.
Posted by froggydafroggy - April 1st, 2022
reading jane eyre in english class, and let's face it, we know how the uncle really died. so, here's a sketch of aunt reed, staying rotten to the core! should i finish??
Posted by froggydafroggy - November 9th, 2021
Amazing to be back on here! Currently working on some art and possibly a short story for my website which I've also neglected. It sucks to have like no school-life balance. It's a lot harder to pick something back up. So take care of yourselves.
Posted by froggydafroggy - June 15th, 2021
I was really hoping to do the summer animation jam and help dev a game, but:
Unfortunately, studies come first. As a high school student today, college is a must. I'm still tentative on careers, but I strongly want to do engineering, physics, math, architecture, or animation. All these paths require a lot of work in my math and art. And, especially as a student in 2021, you need to have an outstanding resume to even get your foot in the door. I've been very worried because my GPA last year was not a 4.0, I have only two extracurriculars, art and violin, and in that I'm not even a first violin and I don't have professional art training. There are people I know who have 4.5!!! People who have been doing like 5 extracurriculars since they were fricking toddlers!!! You have to load up on APs, do like 10 extracurriculars, and save the world or some shit now to even get a chance at the good UCs. Your art portfolio needs to be immaculate. Not to mention all the exams I will have to take to get into college abroad. And forget about Asian parent pressure! I'll still pop in from time to time on the site, but I won't be posting art. Maybe a sketch or a WIP, but that's it.
Posted by froggydafroggy - June 9th, 2021
i don't have a tablet, so i animate on paper, number the frames, scan it, and arrange it in Pencil2D. How do my fellow budgeted artists do it?
Posted by froggydafroggy - May 13th, 2021
i just don't wanna f it up. i only get one take and my grade relies on it. it's the song "a million dreams" tho and i hate the song and movie. (if it's your jam though no hate on you.)